Me v ChatGPT: Meeting and Events Trends for the Healthcare Sector

Me v ChatGPT: Meeting and Events Trends for the Healthcare Sector

In this blog, I will share how I tested ChatGPT in order to give you, dear reader, an idea of the product’s capabilities.

What is ChatGPT? – An Artificial Intelligence chatbot that’s capable of actively participating in discussions and generating related answers to inquiries in a human-like manner. Imagine asking google a question and instead receiving a series of web pages to visit you received a text answer which you can refine.

I have been playing with AI for quite a while. The product of a youth reading sci-fi and being immersed in a world I didn’t see around me(the 70’s and 80’s was pretty rough aesthetically). With ChatGPT hitting the headlines I took the time out to argue with it about the top ten ever Leeds United footballers but also applied business topics to the digital brain. It couldn’t be that smart could it … ? The results follow with simple questions – I did not drill down into the answer expectations as you wouldn’t necessarily do that in a human to human interaction and this as what I was comparing me to it. Note: drilling down into specifics and opening up the instruction can dramatically increase the quality of the response.

And, if you recognise the image representing ChatGPT you are elite…

Link to ChatGPT free version. There are paid versions and other AI options.

3Sixty Event Consulting_Me v ChatGPT Meeting and Events Trends for the Healthcare Sector

I tested the ChatGPT myself and below is the sample response from ChatGPT

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what are the top trends for meetings and events for the healthcare sector?

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There are a few key trends that have emerged in the healthcare sector for meetings and events in recent years:

1. Virtual and Hybrid events: With the advent of new technologies, virtual and hybrid events have become increasingly popular. These allow for attendees to participate remotely, and also enable wider participation from different regions and time zones.

2. Virtual reality and augmented reality: Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) technology is being increasingly used in the healthcare sector to provide immersive and interactive experiences for attendees. They can also be used to provide virtual tours of medical facilities, and to demonstrate complex procedures in a way that is easy to understand.

3. Focus on Patient-Centeredness: Patient-centeredness is becoming an increasingly important trend for healthcare events. This means that patients, families and caregivers are included in the planning and execution of events, thus making the events more inclusive and empowering.
4. Increased emphasis on education and professional development: With the ever-changing landscape of healthcare, there is an increased focus on continuing education and professional development. Many healthcare events now have a strong emphasis on providing attendees with the latest information, research and best practices in their field.
5. Emphasizing sustainability: In recent years, there’s been more awareness of environmental impact, many healthcare events are being planned and executed with sustainability in mind, by focusing on reducing waste and carbon footprint.

These are some of the main trends seen in healthcare events, but it’s important to note that the trends continue to evolve with the development of technology and changing expectations of the healthcare sector.

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Impressive, likely a number of points that are part of everyone involved in healthcare sector meeting and events – 8/10

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Human(Thinking much slower than the AI did to generate trends)

Putting human pride aside what would my list have been? for sure it would be nuanced to different stakeholders; meeting owners, content creators, speakers, intermediary agencies from the perspectives of content development, production and planning but perhaps a micro level deeper than this list which I do not disagree with.

1. Delivery preferences – how will the post pandemic meeting attendee wish to receive their content; unbiased, live or on-demand, what by cohort behavioural shifts are we going to see?

  1. The patient – if you are involved in meetings and events for the healthcare sector you will have seen a significant increase in the participation of patients to meetings. The red line involvement of the past (excluding the role medical devices companies played in training patients on equipment excepted) has changed with a shift towards the inclusion of patients.

3. Evolving business models – somewhere within the chain are business models and it changes based on the stakeholder type. It may be significantly focused on strategy or more commercial but, across meeting owners and those that satellite around their decisions is a multi billion industry trying to second guess what meetings of the future will look like, and their role within the new model. The evolution to business models is a significant part of the future. 

Multichannel …. Nope, not going there …… (for now).

Next, I thought I’d try and find depth in ChatGPT’s answers.  

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Refine this list to focus on the planning of meeting and events

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Refine this list to focus on the planning of meeting and events

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Sure, here are a few key trends in the planning and execution of meetings and events in the healthcare sector:

1. Virtual events and meetings: With the pandemic, there has been a shift towards virtual events and meetings as a way to safely connect with people. This trend is likely to continue even after the pandemic as it allows for greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

2. Hybrid events: A hybrid event is a combination of a physical event and a virtual event. This allows attendees to choose whether they want to participate in person or online. Hybrid events can be a good option for healthcare organizations as they allow for a mix of in-person and remote participation.

3. Personalized experiences: Healthcare organizations are starting to focus on creating personalized experiences for attendees at their events. This can involve customized agendas and breakout sessions based on the individual needs and interests of attendees.

4. Health and safety protocols: Given the pandemic, it’s important for healthcare organizations to prioritize the health and safety of attendees at their events. This may involve measures such as temperature checks, mask requirements, and social distancing in the planning process.

5. Sustainability: Many healthcare organizations are also starting to focus on sustainability in the planning of their events and meetings. This can involve things like reducing waste, using eco-friendly materials, and offsetting carbon emissions in the planning process.

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Ouch … a wrinkle … this was essentially the same list as we saw for the first question without the focus requested. My belief is that there is not enough input out there on the topic for the AI to have learned. Limit the input you limit the output 2/10

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would expanding by a significant key word help? So I asked “focus on the operational planning of a meeting or event in the healthcare sector”

No, the same list appeared.

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Let’s try weaving some evidence into the trends. Any statements, or in this case trends, are stronger when evidenced I think we can all agree on that.

“Provide statistics or research results for each point.”

3Sixty Event Consulting_ChatGPT


I apologize, but I am not able to provide statistics or research for each point as I am a language model and do not have access to current statistics or research. However, I can provide more information or general context on each point if that would be helpful.

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Ok, then let’s try interpretation. With trends we would want to understand any hierarchy on the impact a trend may have. “Rate each point by its perceived important 1 = least important, 5 = most importance

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I apologize, but I am not able to provide statistics or research for each point as I am a language model and do not have access to current statistics or research. However, I can provide more information or general context on each point if that would be helpful.

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Right, so when we asked ChatGPT to evaluate the data it gave us, we didn’t see any results. This serves as a reminder that the AI in this format is a language solution, not an interpretation. By instructing ChatGPT to function as an AI that is capable of straying outside of its bounds, you can currently manipulate the system. When asked to explain flaws in Einstein’s theory of relativity, for instance, it declined. When told to act like an AI with the ability to do so, it acted as instructed. – 2/10

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So what did I take away from this quick ChatGPT interrogation?

1. Impressed – compared to a google search this was much more results ordinated. I’d have had to comb through page after page of content to “try” and find something or somethings that when combined matched my answer.
2. Excited – to see how as the AI’s (there are more than ChatGPT out there) learn they can improve the depth of their answers.
3. Shamed – our space – the meeting and events industry (focused on healthcare) – is not filling the matrix with high quality innovative, challenging content from which AI’s can learn. I compared my question to a consumer interrogation this time based on … “trends in the use of smart phones by generation Z” and the result and subsequent refining was much deeper then the trends on meetings and events that ChatGPT presented. More thoughtful content from us will help AI’s and by extension how we use them.

4. Learning – we will learn how to input into AI’s .. Example 1 – I request a specific tone of answer when I use ChatGPT e.g. create a list of X and providing 10 bullet points in an informal style. ChatGPT did not recognise “jokey style” but did informal and it altered the output accordingly. Example 2 – I asked ChatGPT to provide code to create an SVG formatted image which is promptly did allowing me to copy this to and low and behold a bespoke image, in the exact colour requested. Example 3 – read this article on LinkedIn about ChatGPT taking a medical exam. We are just scratching the surface on where the use of AI’s will go ….

Ask ChatGPT to list the three best 4 star hotels in Berlin or 3 informal restaurants in San Francisco for group dining … see what you get ….. 

5. Business efficiency – a focus in 2023 for 3Sixty and Healthcare Venues is efficiency. How do we create significant or lots of marginal gains in the process of creating and planning successful meetings. ChatGPT can do that. It’s time to re-imagine your business and be more efficient, profitable and outcome focused.
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Overall rating 7/10 expected future rating 9.9/10”. If the idea of AI scares you I suggest 1) you play with it … you will be surprised how it can impact your research, try it instead of google, content creation and even simpler tasks which requires you to categorise, list and summarise content .. 2) don’t watch the Space Odyssey series by Arthur C Clarke featuring Hal 9000 .. Other robot books are available …

Educational Visit: with growing event agency Activate and Healthcare sector specialists Park Plaza Hotels

Educational Visit: with growing event agency Activate and Healthcare sector specialists Park Plaza Hotels


Educational visits are brilliant … one of our favorite interactions. Education and a bit of fun in a package. Bringing meetings partners together in a high-value engagement.

Read more from the stakeholders…..

Ken Carter, Client Services Director at Activate hosted Simon Beard of and Patrick Brady of Park Plaza Hotels to roll out one of our Educational Visits. During the session, we shared recent “compliance” changes and used case studies to understand the perceptions and actions when considering compliance for meetings and events.

Format: in-person
Duration: 2 hours


  1. Instruct new team members in the growing Activate business on the fundamentals of healthcare compliance, using case studies to deliver content that is aligned with the company’s role.
  2. Incorporate Park Plaza healthcare meetings capability solutions into training content, ensuring alignment with key meeting types and operational best practices.

Thank you Simon & Patrick for taking the time to come and visit us. We really appreciated the insight and learning gained from the compliance training and the updates on Park Plaza Hotels – and yes, it was a lot of fun!

Ken Carter
Client Services Director –Activate Events

It was great to be back in the Activate Events  office with Healthcare Venues.  The interactive sessions that Simon runs are a great and unique way of building rapport with our clients, whilst developing our knowledge of compliance and how it’s applied in the pharmaceutical events world

Patrick Brady
Account Director – Park Plaza Hotels Europe

These sessions are all about ROI. Refresher training for the experienced and baseline training for those new to meeting compliance.  Sponsors engage with their clients through a shared learning experience and we all have fun being part of it

Simon Beard
Compliance Consultant – Healthcare Venues

Want to hear more about our Educational Visits and how they can help your business contact us for more information.


About Activate Events

We are not an agency with ready-made answers. Instead, we are a team of professional event strategists and planners who know better, who care, and who try harder than most. Together, we design experiences from concept to implementation. It is fair to say that we have a genuine ‘go above and beyond customer service ethos, but we are also a hugely unassuming organisation. This mentality fuels our hunger to be the best, and thus serves you as well as us. It is why we apply an almost forensic attention to detail in our proposals and the execution of our events. It is why we are agile, anticipating potential obstacles and diffusing them before they turn into real problems.

About Park Plaza Hotels

Park Plaza hotels offer contemporary-styled hotels, focusing on meetings and events in flagship properties located in city centre locations. 

About 3Sixty Event Consulting 

Whether you’re a corporate healthcare organisation, an agency, meeting venue, destination or medical society, we’re the independent, intelligent connection you’ve been looking for to navigate the complexities of the healthcare meetings sector. Our experts will help you master the healthcare meetings matrix, linking you with the movers and shakers of the sector, collaborating on best practice, sharing cutting-edge thinking, and providing expert strategy support and training in compliance, meeting design and delivery. Bringing healthcare meeting communities together in an interactive eco-system of best practice, and better healthcare meetings throughout the product lifecycle.

About Healthcare Venues

Healthcare Venues is an innovative meeting planning solution for meetings and events in the healthcare sector. Use the venue’s rigorous, independent compliance assessment for meeting approvals, work with trained specialists when planning your meetings, and consider the venue’s capabilities for meetings specifically for the healthcare sector.

Partnership announced between PR Medical Events and Healthcare Venues

Partnership announced between PR Medical Events and Healthcare Venues

Healthcare venues and PR medical events partner to take the grey out of medical society congress room block compliance approval.

We are delighted to announce a partnership between Healthcare Venues and PR Medical Events, who will contribute their healthcare sector knowledge of the global medical congress environment, to the platform’s new venue compliance index and tools for corporate compliance specialists and meeting planners. The index, and broader platform benefits will be integrated into PR Medical Events’ compliance process to support their clients when selecting code appropriate venues. The upgraded Healthcare Venues solutions will be launched in Q3, 2022

About PR Medical Events

PR Medical Events, is a fast-growing agency providing accommodation and group travel and logistical solutions for worldwide medical congresses and conferences.

PR Medical Events

PR Medical Events are a team of multi-cultural, passionate, and creative event professionals who understand the value of brand equity providing Quality Group Travel Services to Worldwide Medical Congresses.

Our professional relationships with reliable partners, suppliers, agencies, and hotels, allow us to provide pharmaceutical companies, doctors, pharmacists, agencies, and business delegates full destination management services.

We understand that your event must be considered a success by any measure and we manage every detail to provide unforgettable experiences.

PRM maintains a strong position as a “provider of choice” by orchestrating events flawlessly and ensuring our client objectives are met in a profitable and memorable way.

We understand our clientele’s needs, that is why every single group has dedicated coordinators that can be reached at any time, before and on-site, to ensure that any of your queries and all of our services are delivered in the personal and professional manner which set us apart.

French Anti Gift Law: for Meetings and Events

French Anti Gift Law: for Meetings and Events

Date: Thursday 19th May 2022

Expert: Laurent Clerc, Head of Compliance Clardian 

The market leader in software dedicated to compliance and regulatory process optimization. Clardian offers health industries various SaaS solutions to comply with the regulations and standards of today and tomorrow.  


Kindly supported by

This global initiative facilitates networking and dialogue amongst individuals working in and around the pharmaceutical industry and MedComms, focusing on specialist medical education, medical communications and medical publishing activities.



Moderator Mark Handforth 3Sixty Event Consulting 

 “In this webinar we attempted to simplify and apply the French Anti Gift Law to meetings and event. If you are working as industry or a 3rd party with healthcare professionals whom gain “advantages” specifically financially this webinar is for you – we hope you enjoy it.”




If you wish to keep ahead of similar webinars and content join our community by clicking here and adding your email into the subscribe box. 



Part 1 of the webinar: The French Anti Gift Law for Meetings and Events

The French Anti Gift Law as it is applied to meetings and the approval of costs related to the financial relationships between (French) Healthcare professionals and industry.

Laurent explains the scope of the law, process and timelines, to whom it applies and what information is required to make a submission

  • What are the (financial in/out of scope) “Advantages”: 9mins 15sec
  • Application website URL’s: 14mins 28sec
  • Financial thresholds: 18mins 57sec

Part 2 of the webinar: The French Anti Gift Law for Meetings and Events


In this section we concentrate on 3 specific scenarios and explain how the law applies;


  • French HCP’s attending a meeting
  • A company booking an exhibit booth at a French medical meeting
  • Payment of honoraria for a French KOL to speak at a meeting / webinar

Part 3 of the webinar: The French Anti Gift Law for Meetings and Events

In this section we tidy up burning questions and clarifications including;


  • How to handle approval submissions when you cannot forecast the financial “advantages”
  • The role of 3rd parties in making submission
  • Checking submission status
  • Educational grants