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  • Frequently Asked Questions

In this page we will endeavour to answer all your burning questions. If we do not, please contact the team via the contact us page.

Q. Why should my meeting venue or destination join Healthcare Venues?

If meetings for the healthcare sector is a target market, then being part of the Healthcare Venues is for you. The assessment and training are just part of the range of benefits you get when joining our community. Connectivity to a specialist segment, monthly hints and tips, newsletters, compliance workshops, agency educational visits and LinkedIn groups are all available to those venues who are part of the community.

Q: Does a venue that completes the Healthcare Venues independent assessment and training solution become compliant?

Healthcare Venues, nor the meeting venue can ever describe themselves as ‘compliant’, only a healthcare company can make that decision as regulatory codes require that healthcare organisations are ultimately responsible for ensuring venues are appropriate for their specific requirements and audiences.  An organisation’s compliance sign-off process reflecting the needs of relevant regulatory codes remains the same.  Our compliance index and summary support organisations with a compliance specific, third-party review of the venue to aid in making a robust and informed decision on the suitability of a venue’s use.

Q: How much does all this cost?

There is a free initial assessment discussion, with relevant costs explained during the call but costs for venue assessment and training are in line with other hotel rating systems and can be seen on our website. 

There is no cost for event bookers to use the directory and compliance rating on all venues who are part of the solution, whether members or not. We offer enhanced membership options which can be seen on our website.

Q: Is the Venue Assessment Solution for life?

No, the initial venue assessment and training solution is valid for 1 year.  There is an annual renewal for the venue and a retest for the trained champion, plus spot checks where assessments can be altered or rescinded if venues change facilities/service standards.

Q: Can we, as an events or venue finding agency, technology provider or corporate use the index or assessments in our meeting solution?

Yes, we have the ability to share our data via API feeds and other formats. We do have some simple controls which we are happy to discuss with organisations during implementation. 

Q: Will our partners and clients recognise the Healthcare Venues Directory?

Yes, a number of major agencies, technology providers and key-booker partners utilise the Healthcare Venues directory and have incorporated this into their processes. Please advise us if you find a partner that requires training or further information.

Q: Will this replace preferred venue programmes?

No, our independent assessment and training solution supports these programmes and is typically embedded into them.   

The Healthcare Venues directory will provide secure areas for specific organisations with filtering features to align preferred programmes and approve venues based on their compliance index rating.  

Can we proactively share our approved venues lists for them to become part of the Healthcare Venues directory?

Yes, many partners are doing this already.

Q: Can I join the working groups behind the solution?

Yes, we are very collaborative and always happy to receive feedback and recommendations from users. Jump to the contacts us page to reach out. 

Q: What happens if a venue is not suitable to become part of the Healthcare Venues directory?

There are many meeting types, either internally or externally focused which are impacted in different ways by compliance requirements. All meeting venues are catered for within our compliance index. Completing our training will help learners to understand and support their positioning within this sector.  

Q: Can a venue move levels within the compliance index assessment?

There are many meeting types, either internally or externally focused which are impacted in different ways by compliance requirements. All meeting venues are catered for within our compliance index. Completing our training will help learners to understand and support their positioning within this sector.  

Q: Can a destination be assessed?

Yes, we can assess destinations based on the perception and physical infrastructure available to meeting in the healthcare system. This assessment can add value to strategic positioning, marketing initiatives and the development of business opportunities. A later stage of our platform will promote destinations specifically however, we are capable to create microsites for destinations to promote their broad healthcare sector capabilities. Â