US State of Maine – Honoraria Limits Proposed

US State of Maine – Honoraria Limits Proposed

Reasonable Honoraria Proposed Definition:

Cash and/or a gift given to a practitioner in return for the practitioner speaking at a professional or educational conference sponsored by a manufacturer or wholesaler. The aggregate value of all cash and gifts received by a practitioner for a particular speaking engagement may not exceed an annual limit of $250 in retail value.

Modest Meals and Refreshments Proposed Definition:

Food and beverage of minimal value provided to a practitioner in connection with a meeting or presentation about the benefits, risks, and appropriate uses of prescription drugs or medical devices, disease states, or other scientific information as long as the meeting or presentation occurs in a venue and manner conducive to informational communication. Such food and beverage must be of the type and quantity typically provided for conference attendees at the venue where the meeting or presentation occurs.

Reasonable Expenses Proposed Definition:

The reasonable and actual expenses for travel, lodging, and meals incurred by a practitioner and that are necessary in order for the practitioner to speak at a professional or educational conference sponsored by a manufacturer or wholesaler. Healthcare-Venues: we wish organisations would not use words like “minimal value” to avoid confusion and differing interpretations.

These points have not yet been ratified to date. An open meeting on 08 May 2019 is planned to debate this and other topics. To stay in touch with news on the Maine honoraria limits sign up to our news here or email us here.

Ashfield Meetings & Events come onboard for 2019 Educational visits

Ashfield Meetings & Events come onboard for 2019 Educational visits

Our Educational visits took us to the offices of healthcare specialist agency, Ashfield Meetings and Events, this month. Meeting some of their key operations and venue find staff were the Venue Healthcare Champions from the Park Plaza Westminster and Riverbank. Such was the positive feedback, we are now working on a series of Educational Visits with Ashfield for 2019. Our educational visits bring meeting bookers and venues together in an educational environment, which creates business partnerships within a mutually effective training session. Held at the healthcare specialist agency’s office, Venue Healthcare Champions meet with members of the agency in a pioneering and innovative networking and training session. If you would like to know more about who else we are working with, or want to participate in one of our visits, contact Simon Beard.

Healthcare Venues changing the way hotels are visiting specialist agencies

Healthcare Venues changing the way hotels are visiting specialist agencies

Healthcare Venues has created a pioneering and innovative method to bring meeting bookers and venues together, in an educational environment, which creates business partnerships within a mutually effective training session. Open to HCVs only: 2/3 venues per visit to be held at Healthcare specialist agency’s offices. 6-12 members of an agency operations teams attend from venue finders to senior management. 1.5 – 2 hours of agency engagement in an educational session where the venues are seen as the experts. Education based on a ‘tailored’ case study in which the benefits of working with a trained Venue Healthcare Healthcare Champion and Healthcare Venue are weaved into the solution. Understanding of agency Business Mix: the type of meetings held, the number of events and their location to enable a venue to tailor their marketing going forward Unrivalled networking opportunity. Click here to read what our agency and venue partners thought of the visit. If you are interested in being involved in the next Educational Visit, please contact [email protected].
Article – Are Doctors Really Influenced by the Pharmaceutical Industry?

Article – Are Doctors Really Influenced by the Pharmaceutical Industry?

Interesting Article for those with an interest in business Ethics with a Healthcare sector twist.

An initial report did a study of Open Payments data (HCPs (Doctor, nurses) payments from Healthcare companies) against prescriptions issued and found a positive link that payment of meals = prescriptions.

A new study claimed that there is no link using the following key data. “What Fonseca and Tucker found was that doctors who accepted no free meals from opioid manufacturers wrote anywhere between 0 and 1000 prescriptions in 2015 – the same as those who accepted 50 or more free meals from opioid manufacturers.”

Me, I think meals / hospitality may help you get you a seat at the table but scientific evidence is needed to influence the vast majority of HCPs prescribing behaviours. Seems some may think differently. In Europe, Asia and South America, perhaps there is a regional / national cultural difference in how professionals see hospitality. My sense is the incoming generations see it as much less acceptable.

Healthcare Venues strengthens US presence

Healthcare Venues strengthens US presence

3Sixty Event Consulting announces that Betsy Bondurant joins the team to Head up our US solutions and support the strategic growth of our consulting, training and venue solutions.

Read more about Betsy’s background:

Betsy offers a unique 360o perspective with over 30 years of experience in meeting & trade show management, hotel sales, and procurement, including 17 years of direct involvement in the discipline of Strategic Meetings Management (SMM). During her 15-year tenure at the world’s largest biotech company, Betsy developed a pioneering SMM program as well as a venue compliance process for the early PhRMA guidelines. In 2007, she opened a consultancy dedicated to providing independent and unbiased SMM support. Betsy is considered a Subject Matter Expert, and has authored many articles, developed educational content, and presented to audiences in North/Central America, Europe and Asia. Betsy holds a Bachelor of Science in Hotel Administration from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is an active member of MPI’s MD Advisory Council, is Vice-chair of the GBTA Meetings Committee, and Co-chair of PCMA’s Corporate Task Force. In 2016, Betsy was recognized as one of the Top 25 Women in the Meetings Industry by Meetings and Conventions Magazine. Additionally, Betsy has been recognized as “Best Practitioner” by Business Travel News and one of the Meeting News “25 Most Influential People in the Meetings Industry”. Mark Handforth Managing Director, said “Betsy has already proven a successful collaborator with a number of projects already underway, the result of her connections in the US meetings industry and recognition as an experienced strategist. We are looking forward to working with Betsy to continue the expansion of our consulting business and the global presence of”