Ashfield Meetings & Events come onboard for 2019 Educational visits
3Sixty Event Consulting_Ashfield Meetings and Events come onboard for 2019 Educational visits

Our Educational visits took us to the offices of healthcare specialist agency, Ashfield Meetings and Events, this month. Meeting some of their key operations and venue find staff were the Venue Healthcare Champions from the Park Plaza Westminster and Riverbank. Such was the positive feedback, we are now working on a series of Educational Visits with Ashfield for 2019. Our educational visits bring meeting bookers and venues together in an educational environment, which creates business partnerships within a mutually effective training session. Held at the healthcare specialist agency’s office, Venue Healthcare Champions meet with members of the agency in a pioneering and innovative networking and training session. If you would like to know more about who else we are working with, or want to participate in one of our visits, contact Simon Beard.

Mark Handforth

October 22, 2018

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