When is a venue not a venue ……
Sector codes of conduct shape how meetings in the healthcare sector between industry and healthcare professionals, should be “appropriate”. A key component of being appropriate is how venues are selected and how, in this article, we consider how a venue is likely to be considered inappropriate for healthcare meetings and therefore “not a venue”. We spoke to experts from NexGen, Activate Event Management, EAACI and ITA Venues for their thoughts on this topic.
To read more click here

First International venues go-live – Amsterdam
We are pleased to announce that our platform is now international and as such we are able to extend our reach across the globe, training Venue Healthcare Champions in how compliance and company policies effects meetings and events and provide an independent assessment of the venue from a compliance perspective. Our first three venues are from Amsterdam and you can read our venue assessments here by clicking on the venue name.
– Mövenpick Amsterdam, our first International Venue
– Venue Healthcare Champion – Céline van Someren
– Radisson Blu, Amsterdam
– Venue Healthcare Champion – Martin Neervoort
– Sheraton Airport, Amsterdam
– Venue Healthcare Champion – Elaine van Schaick
To contact our Venue Healthcare Champions, you can click on the CONTACT HEALTHCARE CHAMPION within the venues assessment record or our team at [email protected]
If you want to hear more about our training and assessment programmes contact [email protected]

Assess your Venue On-line – No cost access until 31.03.16

MCI Sign priority status deal with Healthcare-Venues.com
Healthcare-Venues.com is pleased to welcome in 2016 with news of a strategic partnership with the MCI Group
This partnership will find HCV.com providing all training for regulatory codes for meetings & events to MCI Global, Regional and Local teams, via its Healthcare Events Portal training tool, whilst MCI will incorporate all HCV.com venues into their priority venue programme for healthcare sector meetings.
This will mean that venues who are part of our solution will be at the top of the sourcing list for RFPs for MCI’s healthcare sector clients. In addition, our team will have direct access to MCI teams to promote our venues. This partnership supports our growth as an international solution with our first overseas venues likely to come on line in Q1, 2016.
Cerstin Steindorf, Director of Healthcare at MCI said “the healthcare sector is increasingly complex and codes are changing the very way that we work. It is essential to MCI and our clients that we stay ahead of these changes, educate our teams, and work with likeminded people in the supply chain community passionate to improve how we collectively deliver code compliant meetings to our clients. This partnership is integral to that aim.”
Mark Handforth of HCV.com Feels “MCI have been fantastic in embracing and supporting what we are trying to do, educating the M&E community on the specific impacts of sector regulatory codes and providing tools, in this case our venue assessment reports, to make appropriate to code venue selection easier. Our Venue Healthcare Champions go through extensive and on-going training to learn how to work effectively in the sector and this partnership will keep them on their toes as their clients, like MCI expect them to deliver on the training promise”.
To learn more contact us.

1 out of 10 venues don’t get it
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