COVID Secure Meeting Assessment Launched
3Sixty Event Consulting_COVID Secure Meeting Assessment Launched
As our minds increasingly turn to the challenge of creating safe meetings during and after the COVID19 pandemic, at Healthcare Venues we are doing our bit to support meeting organisers and the meetings industry, with the creation of an independent COVID Secure meeting venue audit. As the due diligence steps, when planning a meeting, increase, our audit helps meeting planners, participants, and meeting venues be as confident as possible, that a secure environment has been created to deliver successful meetings. The audit is designed to significantly reduce the time to efficiently share and understand the detailed application of social distancing, sanitization, and policies of a meeting venue. Our 77-point report, accessible via our on-line platform, utilizes the traffic light system to identify risks across 9 specific criteria and, in partnership between meeting booker and venue, solutions can be agreed and implemented. Venues – contact [email protected] to learn how to join Healthcare Venues. Meeting organizers and agencies – contact us to learn how to create an account within our reporting platform to access the COVID19 meeting audits. Venue audit reports are available to meeting stakeholders and bookers from agencies of all business sectors and meeting types, and audit questions can be tailored to support more specific business needs, when necessary. Contact: [email protected] to learn more.
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Simon Beard

September 22, 2020

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