Compliance Benchmarking Session at Meeting Show UK

Compliance Benchmarking Session at Meeting Show UK

We are pleased to announce that we will be supporting the Meeting Show UK with a session designed to test your knowledge of Healthcare sector Regulatory Codes and how they are applied to Meetings and Events. It’s a bit of fun, minimal PowerPoint (hooray) and a panel including corporates and specialist agencies to help us place ourselves on the graph as an expert or something else !!

If you represent a Medical Society, Specialist agency or member of the M&E supply chain come along.

There is a prize, but it’s appropriate and compliant with good taste !!


Healthcare Meetings Forum 2014

Healthcare Meetings Forum 2014

The Healthcare Meetings Forum 15-16 December 2014 at the Park Inn by Radisson, London Heathrow has built upon the success of the 2013 programme and subsequent Forum held in Singapore in August. The 2014 Forum is now a 2 day programme placing the patient at the centre of meetings and events.

A range of speakers including Janssen, Ashfield Events, The Royal Brompton Hospital, European Society of Cardiology will discuss hot topics relevant to Meetings and Events in the Healthcare Sector.

Over 120 attendees including Astellas, Allergan, MCI, WRG, Starwood Hotels and Resorts, mXm Medical Communications, MPI and Banks Sadler are already signed up and will enjoy plenary sessions led by experts and a range of interactive workshops.

The Forum hot topic is centered on Procurement trends. To flavour the content and panel session, a survey has been created, completing this allows you to a copy of the procurement whitepaper to be issued after the event.

If you want your voice to be heard, please complete the short survey and enable us to ask the panel of corporate, agency and sector specialists the questions that matter. Click here to complete the survey.

To view the programme click here